The Colorado State Forest Service provides for the stewardship of forest resources within the state. Their mission is to reduce the risks to life, property, and the enviroment for the benefit of present and future generations of Coloradans. They partner with CUSP on many varied projects that encompass forest, watershed and land stewardship issues. http://csfs.colostate.edu/ |
The U.S. Forest Service oversees a large amount of land in Colorado. They are major players in the fight to keep wild areas wild and healthy. They work with CUSP in many ways and depend on us to carry work out in the National Forest and on to state and private lands.
http://www.fs.fed.us/ |
The National Forest Foundation is a non-profit group that was created by Congress to work directly with the USFS. Currently, CUSP is working with them as part of their Revitalize Our Forests campaign. We are working together in Horse Creek to rejuvenate the streams' ecosystem and repair damage from the Hayman fire of 2002.
http://www.nationalforests.org/ |
An important partner, Denver Water gets the majority of its water from the Upper South Platte watershed. They are committed to acting as good stewards to the land and the water that comes from it. They work with CUSP on many projects, and have been firm supporters of our mission and its goals.
http://www.denverwater.org/ |
The Colorado Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) program is designed to provide municipal water providers and public consumers with information about drinking water, as well as providing a way for water providers and community members and to get involved in protecting the quality of their drinking water. http://www.uppersouthplatte.org/sourcewater.html |
The Colorado Division of Wildlife manages the states 960 wildlife species. It regulates hunting and fishing activties by issuing licenses and enforcing regulations. They partner with CUSP on various projects and share our values of protection for all species of wildlife.
http://wildlife.state.co.us/ |
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is committed to protecting and preserving the health and environment of the people of Colorado. http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/ |
The enviromental Protection Agency' mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural enviroment.
http://www.epa.gov/ |
CSU Extension has a mission to disseminate reliable, research based information to Coloradans. With expertise in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, water and more they are valuable partners not only to CUSP, but to every person in the state of Colorado.
http://www.ext.colostate.edu/ |
Colorado Trout Unlimited has a vested interest in clean, living water. They aid us on many projects from stream work to pulling weeds. CUSP salutes their involvement and can always count on them for their support.
http://www.cotrout.org/ |
The Natural Resources Conservation Service is a division of the USDA. These valuable partners aid in many ways, most notably with our weed eradication projects.
http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/ |
The Colorado Watershed Assembly is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocate for watershed organizations around the state and citizen involvement in the collaborative decision making process.
http://www.coloradowater.org/ |
WHWT is a coalition of community/watershed improvement groups, confronting the challenges that remain from historic mining in the West. They address environmental degradation and community impoverishment.
http://www.hardrockteam.org/ |
One of the counties that makes up the Upper South Platte Watershed, Jefferson county is an important partner to CUSP. http://co.jefferson.co.us/ |
One of the counties that makes up the Upper South Platte Watershed, Park county is an important partner to CUSP. http://www.parkco.us/ |
One of the counties that makes up the Upper South Platte Watershed, Douglas county is an important partner to CUSP. http://www.douglas.co.us/ |
Teller County and CUSP are significant partners in a number of major projects & programs, including the Woodland Park Healthy Forest Initiative www.wphfi.org, the Divide Slash Collection Site www.divideslashsite.com, TellerEnergy.com www.tellerenergy.com, and the development and implementation of regional CWPPs. |
The Joseph Henry Edmondson Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to enhancing the quality of life throughout Colorado’s Pikes Peak region.
http://www.jhedmondson.org/ |
The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) represents each major water basin, Denver and other state agencies in our joint effort to use water wisely and protect our water for future generations. http://cwcb.state.co.us/ |
The South Platte Protection Plan (SPPP) is a locally developed, federally endorsed plan to preserve the outstanding natural resource, historical and cultural values of mountainous sections of the upper South Platte River. It is the result of more than ten years of collaboration that involved front range water providers, federal, state and county governments, local land-owners, recreation enthusiasts and environmental and conservation organizations. http://southplatte.org/ |
Colorado Dept. of Corrections works with CUSP by providing manpower for projects such as weed eradication. Not only does this help Colorado get a return value from the inmates, but it also gives them training in enviromental practices that could aid them when they re-enter the workforce.
https://www.doc.state.co.us/ |
A corporate Partner, Orvis is world- renowned for their interest and support of the great outdoors. http://www.orvis.com/ |
Toyota is a great partner, they gave us the CUSP truck, and continue to support our efforts. http://www.toyota.com |
The Rising Sun 4X4 club teams with CUSP on recreational issues, proving that fun and responsibility go hand in hand within the watershed http://www.risingsun4x4club.org/ |
Pikes Peak Community Foundation is a dynamic charitable foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life in our region. Community foundations are carefully designed to operate in perpetuity, meaning that gifts made to them will continue to grow and provide resources for that specific community forever. |
With the Clean Energy Collective you’ll actually own, not lease, part of a local clean energy power plant and you will be directly credited on your electric bill for the power produced – saving you money! CEC owners leverage their collective purchasing power and buy as little or as much clean energy equipment as they choose at much reduced prices. |
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